Soy Wax Candle Care Quick Tips

Did you know that as well as being a much cleaner-burning & healthier option than paraffin wax candles, natural soy wax candles also last longer?

Our Sweet Serenity natural aromatherapy soy candle

Our Sweet Serenity natural aromatherapy soy candle


With a little TLC, our 180ml candle jars can burn for 40+ hours!

Here are a few quick tips to help you get the best out of your Scents of the Wild natural aromatherapy candle so you get maximum enjoyment:

  • Before each burn of your candle, trim the wick to 5mm. By doing this, you’ll help to prevent a large flame from forming, which can create smoke & cause the candle jar to overheat.

  • Always replace the lid after each burn of your candle to preserve the freshness of your candle.

    As well as helping to keep dust, hairs and other debris out of your candle, you’ll help to preserve the scent.

    Essential oils are volatile substances, which means they will evaporate over time & with exposure to air.

  • Keep your soy wax candle out of direct sunlight & away from sunny windows.

    I learned this one the hard way when my beautiful candle became a jar full of mush! Gorgeous-smelling mush, but mush all the same…

    100% soy wax candles are softer than paraffin wax candles and so your candle will not enjoy being in a hot, sunlit position in your house.

I hope this helps!

You can find more soy wax candle care tips on our natural soy wax Candle Care page.

And I also include a full set of candle care recommendations with every Scents of the Wild candle purchased to help you get the very best out of them!

Although they perhaps like a teeny bit more TLC than paraffin wax candles, it’s SO worth it when the benefits include lasting for longer and being much cleaner-burning than paraffin wax candles...

Much healthier for you, your loved ones, and for the environment!

Rachel HendryComment