Morning Routines to Fuel your Get Up & Go…
Do you have a particular morning routine or set of rituals that help to kick-start your day?
I know some people have hour-long (or more) morning practices and swear by them!
Do you have any morning rituals that help get your day off to the best start?
Though I’ve most definitely dabbled with different things over the years, to be honest, not much of it has stuck long-term…
But here are a few morning practices that have (just because I find them so easy to do, and also noticeably beneficial!):
Doing yoga-type stretches when I get out of bed to help relieve any stiffness.
Drinking lots of water (sometimes with a squeeze of lemon juice) to rehydrate the body, clean out toxins, and rid myself of that sluggish feeling.
Adding a drop of an uplifting citrus essential oil (sweet orange, lime, grapefruit, or lemon) to my moisturiser or diffusing it in a burner to help with mental alertness and a positive frame of mind for the day ahead.