Earth Day - Progress Over Perfection

Earth Day. A day is good but a lifetime is better.

As they say on the Earth Day website, every day should be a day when we consider our impact on our planet and the creatures we share it with.

Shouldn’t it?

I think that one of the many great things about Earth Day is that it shows us we don’t need to do things perfectly all of the time, right out of the gate…

Anemone blanda blue flowers.jpg

This type of perfection-thinking leads to overwhelm, disillusionment, and feelings of hopelessness. 

(I know because I’ve been there. Like the time a few years back when I decided that I literally couldn’t buy, consume, or eat ANYTHING because it would have a detrimental effect on our planet in one way or another! Not fun. Not doable. And not useful, either!)

Every small change, every small action, and every small step in the right direction to #restoreourearth and help ensure a healthy future for our planet that we personally decide to make is an achievement and makes a difference.

This is something I spend a lot of time considering in both my personal life and with Scents of the Wild.

Asking myself questions like: 

  • How can I improve and do things even better? 

  • What would make the biggest impact? 

  • What small steps can I take now to get started?

I think that these are really powerful questions. 

Wishing you, my lovely fellow Earthlings, a very happy Earth Day!

P.S. Isn’t nature amazing? I posted the same picture last year and these flowers (Anemone blanda, apparently) are just starting to bloom again! Pretty much bang on schedule.

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