Natural Botanical Candles and Wax Melts, harnessing nature's gorgeous scents and colourful dried botanicals. Handmade in Scotland from 100% natural, vegan & eco-friendly ingredients
1 week until our new natural aromatherapy candle, 'Tranquil Earth' is released!
One week today our new natural aromatherapy candle, 'Tranquil Earth' will be released… Hopefully you’re looking forward it as much as I am!
In this little video we take a close up look at the beautiful dried flower petals used to decorate this naturally calming and cheering aromatherapy soy candle…
*Transcript below the video if you’d prefer to read about it.
“So, can you believe it?! it’s only one week until we launch our new candle, ‘Tranquil Earth’. This is Tranquil Earth here.
And i’m really excited about it! I hope you are too.
So, I thought that perhaps it might be a nice idea to take a look at the flower petals that I’ve used to decorate this candle…
I’ve chosen pale pink Delphinium petals to hopefully reflect the light floral, citrus aroma of this candle, which is because of the Petitgrain and Bergamot essential oils I’ve used in this aromatherapy blend.
I’ve also used deep burgundy Cornflower petals… They’re so deep burgundy, they’re almost black a lot of them. And I think they really help to capture the deep, woody, smoky, earthy aroma of this candle, which is because of the Vetivert and Cedarwood Virginiana essential oils that I’ve used in this aromatherapy blend.
So all the flowers are UK grown flowers and I hope you like the look of it!
I think, hopefully, it has a lovely soft, calming, tranquil, earthy look about it which kind of captures the name and also the scent of this natural aromatherapy candle.
So, yeah, do let me know what you think!
And if you’re not already subscribed to our email list, please remember to go to our website and do that because our email subscribers will receive a discount on this candle when it’s released next Friday, 5th of February.