Trusting Life's Ebbs & Flows
Rachel Hendry
I’m learning to trust life’s ebbs and flows…
Some days you’re flying high - boundless energy, brimming with enthusiasm, frenetic yet seemingly effortless activity.
And then other days you move more slowly, tasks take longer and require more effort, you feel more heavy and depleted…
This is normal - even birds who fly sky high have to come down to rest sometimes.
I used to curse and worry about my slower days. They felt like a weakness and something to overcome…
But I’m realising that life is about ebbs and flows and learning to recognise and accept (and maybe even appreciate?) them both…
Sometimes you are so overflowing with the good stuff that you can effortlessly spread this around and top up everyone else’s cup...
Other times, you’re depleted and it’s time to fill your own cup back up.
I don’t think this means we’re doing life wrong, I think it simply means we’re human.
And every person has ups and downs and needs love and understanding and nurture and rest.
And never more so in such unsettling and volatile times.
And particularly if you’re a sensitive person who’s tuned in to all that’s going on in the world (consciously or subconsciously)!
I absolutely believe that the planet needs our love and enthusiasm and good intentions and infectiously positive energy right now.
But for us to achieve this, we MUST give ourselves the same grace and care and understanding as we give to others.
Do you agree?